[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]Windows 10 Insider Preview 14295 (x86/ x64) MSDN & INTERNAL ISO[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)][Multiple Editions (Pro + Home)/ Enterprise/ Education/ Home SL][/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)][replacer_img][/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) Insider Preview 14295 (x86) - DVD (English)[/COLOR]
- File Name: en_windows_10_multiple_editions_insider_preview_14 295_x86_dvd_8475156.iso
- Languages: English
- SHA1:E9536322B985AA2D042D4C3EDC32267EFAB382CD
- Download: [COLOR=rgb(23, 96, 147)]https://www.fshare.vn/file/SSBXIHK6VL13[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) Insider Preview 14295 (x64) - DVD (English)[/COLOR]
- File Name: en_windows_10_multiple_editions_insider_preview_14 295_x64_dvd_8475164.iso
- Languages: English
- SHA1: EE3B237CBFFF293C2C9E5B036A0250B39C3F79AE
- Download: [COLOR=rgb(23, 96, 147)]https://www.fshare.vn/file/V5SCZNZQI3LH[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]Windows 10 Enterprise Insider Preview 14295 (x86) - DVD (English)[/COLOR]
- File Name:en_windows_10_enterprise_insider_preview_1429 5_x86_dvd_8475136.iso
- Languages:English
- SHA1: DBD83E0D56B35D4A98A3AB4860D8553AD11F66FF
- Download: [COLOR=rgb(23, 96, 147)]https://www.fshare.vn/file/JDYH7BPA247B[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]Windows 10 Enterprise Insider Preview 14295 (x64) - DVD (English)[/COLOR]
- File Name:en_windows_10_enterprise_insider_preview_1429 5_x64_dvd_8475125.iso
- Languages:English
- SHA1:F171BF1FBF638F864B517B2E4EC39FB9A13305D6
- Download: [COLOR=rgb(23, 96, 147)]https://www.fshare.vn/file/F4YBBCJF6DZO[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]Windows 10 Education Insider Preview 14295 (x86) - DVD (English)[/COLOR]
- File name: Windows10_InsiderPreview_Education_x32_en-us_14295.1000.iso
- Languages: English
- SHA1: 47D6A7D84C7A000A1B0C97F7BBAD8B49A845A271
- Download: [COLOR=rgb(23, 96, 147)]https://www.fshare.vn/file/ZSQZJE57BQGS[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]Windows 10 Education Insider Preview 14295 (x64) - DVD (English)[/COLOR]
- File name: Windows10_InsiderPreview_Education_x64_en-us_14295.1000.iso
- Languages: English
- SHA1: B5630AC9B9B4A38AB65F5F49081579EE85556111
- Download: [COLOR=rgb(23, 96, 147)]https://www.fshare.vn/file/DLLZTVNFSIVL[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]Windows 10 Home Single Language Insider Preview 14295 (x86) - DVD (English)[/COLOR]
- File name: Windows10_InsiderPreview_CoreSingleLanguage_x32_en-us_14295.1000.iso
- Languages: English
- SHA-1: 96C1010F7D69D91C915841C60433FA5936FAC59C
- Download: [COLOR=rgb(23, 96, 147)]https://www.fshare.vn/file/5X11RJ4NP9WK[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]Windows 10 Home Single Language Insider Preview 14295 (x64) - DVD (English)[/COLOR]
- File name: Windows10_InsiderPreview_CoreSingleLanguage_x64_en-us_14295.1000.iso
- Languages: English
- SHA1: 7D031C0B5CD58F366A6E886A978843674009DACB
- Download: [COLOR=rgb(23, 96, 147)]https://www.fshare.vn/file/EHWWJPNV87Y2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]
Folder: https://www.fshare.vn/folder/P8RUQSIVL3DA[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]Note: Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) = Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Professional[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]Source: http://bit.ly/1ZOQHAF[/COLOR] ; [COLOR=rgb(23, 96, 147)]https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Jz5E/w8S3JXuqP[/COLOR] & [COLOR=rgb(23, 96, 147)]http://bit.ly/1RQfFzw[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(0, 59, 101)]Thank: WZT[/COLOR]
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